Dr. Daniel Tauritz - Auburn Cyber Research Center - Cyber Security Sciences Institute - BONSAI lab - CSSE department - Auburn University

Academic Profile

Full CV (PDF) Last revised July 1, 2024

[Picture] Dr. Daniel Tauritz is:
  • an Associate Professor with Tenure in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering in the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering at Auburn University (AU)
  • Director for National Laboratory Relationships (DNLR)
  • Interim Director and Chief Cyber AI Strategist for the Auburn Cyber Research Center (ACRC)
  • Guest Scientist as well as University Collaboration Scientist with Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
  • Founding academic director of the LANL/AU Cyber Security Sciences Institute (CSSI)
  • Founding director of the Biomimetic National Security Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (BONSAI Lab)
  • Founding head of the Biomimetic Artificial Intelligence Research Group (BioAI Group)
  • Cyber consultant for Sandia National Laboratories where he was on sabbatical during the 2014-2015 academic year
  • Faculty Advisor of Auburn University's Ethical Hacking Club
  • Formerly he was an Associate Professor with Tenure and Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies and Outreach Activities in the Department of Computer Science at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T), formerly University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR). He was the director of S&T's Natural Computation Laboratory (NC-LAB), a Research Investigator in the Intelligent Systems Center, and an Investigator in the Energy Research & Development Center.

    His primary research interests are the Automated Design of Algorithms employing Hyper-Heuristics, and Evolutionary Computing, in particular their use as robust solvers for real-world problem solving, with an emphasis on applications in the cyber domain, ranging from adversarial models in cyber (physical) security to evolving graph algorithms to the automated design of SAT solver heuristics.

    Recent events he was involved in include:

  • Co-Chair, 13th Workshop on Evolutionary Computation for the Automated Design of Algorithms (ECADA) @GECCO 2023
  • Co-Instructor, Hyper-heuristics Tutorial @GECCO 2023
  • Dr. T curates the following two news briefs:

  • Dr. T's Artificial Intelligence (AI) Brief
  • Dr. T's Security Brief
  • He teaches a two-course sequence on Evolutionary Computing. The first course is COMP 5660/6660 - Evolutionary Computing. The second course is COMP 7660 - Research Methods in Evolutionary Computing. The current offering in this course sequence is COMP 7660 in Spring 2024, followed by COMP 5660/6660 in Fall 2024.

    He co-teaches with Dr. Drew Springall a two-course sequence on Artificial Intelligence for Security (AI4Sec). The first course is COMP 5970/6970 - AI4Sec-Foundations. The second course is COMP 7800 - AI4Sec-Research & Development. The current offering in this course sequence is COMP 5970/6970 in Spring 2024.

    He taught a section of COMP 3240 - Discrete Structures in Spring 2023.

    For Dr. T's collected wisdom on coding (mostly collected from his TAs!), click here.

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